PSU Housing & Food Insecurity Report

Year: 2020

Role: Co-author and Graphic Design Leader (as part of the Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative, PSU)

This report was conducted by the Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative (HRAC) and it presents findings from Portland State University’s first housing and food insecurity survey of students and employees. The survey was based on a growing body of research examining basic needs insecurity among college students and it is one of the first campus surveys in the country to also explore these factors among university employees. This report examines the rates of housing insecurity, homelessness, and food insecurity among students and employees disaggregated by race and additional factors to shed light on the most vulnerable members of our community. My role as co-author and designer has been to bring to life the content of the report, by visualizing and communicating this important data through accessible infographics and illustrations, and fit it all in a visually compelling and accessible layout.


Wayfinding at Mather Train Station


Understanding Homelessness