The Chamanga Story & SEED Conference

Role: Graphic Design Leader (as part of the Center for Public Interest Design, PSU)

Format: 15 feet x 11 inches

Graphic exhibited at:

  • SEED Award Conference, Singapore (Singapore), 2018, Exhibitor and Invited speaker;

  • Hochschule München Exhibition, Munich (Germany), July 2018, Exhibitor.

This timeline visually narrates the history of the collective effort to reconstruct San José de Chamanga after the 2017 earthquake, focusing on the actors, the events, and the achievements of this two-year collaboration. Though the Cultural Center is one of the most evident manifestations of this effort, the timeline also tries to put into perspective the community planning effort to rebuild Chamanga that preceded the building of the Cultural Center, and was essential to making the Center’s design and build process a success.


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