COVID-19 Engagement Station

Where: Portland (USA)

When: October 2020

Role: Project and Design Leader (as part of the Homelessness Research & Action Collaborative, PSU)

Awards and Recognitions:

  • OPB Interview, October 2020

Graphics: Elaborated by the Author

Photos Credits: HRAC

In March 2019, when COVID-19 was declared a national emergency, Portland State University suspended any type of in-person research activity for its students and faculty.  In response to this scenario and the ongoing need for completing in-person interviews in a safe and secure environment, the Engagement Station was created. Its design is based on a 6 feet long table, with chairs (or wheelchairs) located at its ends. A plexiglass divides the two sides, while a whiteboard allows researchers to add and share information with the participants. To allow for maximum flexibility and mobility, the table is built through a system of hinges that make it fully foldable and transportable as a suitcase.

